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What is an example of something fungible?

Another example of something fungible is cash. It doesn't matter what twenty dollar bill you get - it's still worth the same amount as any other twenty dollar bill. In contrast, something like a painting isn't fungible; a purchaser would expect a specific, identifiable item to be delivered.

What are non-fungible goods?

That gives us a non-fungible definition: Items that do not possess the same value and therefore cannot be copied or exchanged for another of its type. Fungible goods include fiat currencies and financial assets, like stocks. Many commodities and precious metals are also fungible.

What is the difference between fungible and non-fungible assets?

Fungibility refers to an asset's ability to be exchanged for something else of equal value. Some examples of fungible assets include currencies, commodities, and precious stones. Non-fungible assets are unique, requiring much more complex valuation before a sale and include things like real estate, art, and sports cards.

Is gold fungible or non-fungible?

And gold is an interesting example because it demonstrates how thin the line between being fungible and non-fungible actually is. Gold bullion — or, officially recognized pieces of gold having at least 99.5% purity — is typically fungible.

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